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Parents & Educators

If there is an emergency will you and your family be prepared?

Make a family emergency plan.

Every household in Canada should have an emergency plan. Before an emergency occurs, all family members should sit down and discuss what will happen in case of an emergency. You should write down and exercise your plan at least once a year with the entire family. The family may not all be together when a severe storm or emergency happens, but identifying a safe place where everyone should meet in case of an emergency will help. Make sure everybody has a copy of the emergency plan and keeps it close at hand.

Learn about natural hazards.

Across Canada we face a number of risks, such as earthquakes, blizzards, ice storms and thunderstorms. In addition to natural hazards, there are other types of risks such as power outages. Learning about the risks ahead of time will help you and your family “Be Prepared!” in case one of them happens in your neighbourhood.

Know what to do before and during a severe storm.

  • If a severe storm is forecast, secure everything that might be blown around or torn loose – indoors and outdoors.

  • During a storm, if you are indoors, stay away from windows, doors and fireplaces.

  • If you are in a car, stop the car away from trees or power lines that might fall on you. Stay there.

  • Consider going to the sheltered area that you and your family identified in your emergency plan.

  • If you are advised by officials to evacuate, do so. Delay may make later evacuation difficult or impossible. Take your emergency kit with you.

  • You can use a cell phone or cordless telephone during a severe storm, if indoors, but it is not safe to use a corded telephone.

  • Listen for weather updates on a battery-powered radio.

  • If outdoors during a severe storm, do not lie flat. Crouch down with your feet close together and your head down (the “leap-frog” position).

  • Seek shelter if possible. If shelter is not possible, look for low-lying areas but away from water in the event of flash flooding.

Prepare an emergency kit.

In an emergency, some basic supplies will be needed. You may not have access to power and water. Make sure your kit is easy to carry and everyone in the household knows where it is. Keep your kit in a duffle bag, backpack or a suitcase with wheels. If you have a lot of people in your household, you might want to personalize each kit to make it more portable for each person.