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Stranger Danger

November 2015

Here are some basic safety tips to help you become streetwise.

  • Don’t go out alone. This applies to kids of all ages.
  • If you’re going somewhere, use the buddy system.
  • Say “NO” if you feel uncomfortable or threatened.
  • Always tell an adult where you’re going and for how long you will be gone. If something happens, at least your family and friends will know where to find you.
  • If someone tries to grab or hurt you, scream, kick and yell “Fire!” More people will respond to the threat of a fire than a call for help.
  • Remember the secret password that only you and your parents know. If you need to be picked up by someone else, this person must know the password before you go anywhere with him or her.
  • Never go near or get into a stranger’s car.
  • Never enter anyone’s home without a parent/guardian’s permission.
  • If you become separated from your parent or guardian while at the store, go to the nearest sales clerk or cashier and ask for help.
  • Do not accept food or gifts from anyone without your parent’s permission.
  • Never play in deserted buildings or isolated areas.
  • Never take shortcuts through empty parks or fields.
  • It is important for you to know your full name, address and telephone number.