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Parents & Educators

Everyone knows that a fire escape plan is vital to the safety of loved ones in the event of a home fire. The most important part of all, though, is to make sure that fire safety is taught to children at a young age. Vital information needs to be taught to children even before they start attending school. Many child injuries and deaths can be prevented with proper education.

Parents should teach their children the following:

Escape Plans: Make a family plan with your children on the best ways to get out of the house in case of a fire. Your plan should have at least two different routes to take in case one is blocked. Practice these routes regularly.

Stop, Drop, and Roll: Teach your children that if a fire catches on their clothes, they should stop where they are, drop to the ground, and cover their face while rolling back and forth to smother the flames. Call for help.

Smoke Alarms: Teach children not to be afraid of the sound of a smoke alarm, and make sure that if they hear one, to get out of the home or building immediately. When you test your smoke alarm, have your children around so that they can easily recognize the sound in case of a fire.

Hiding from Fire: Teach your children that they must not hide from smoke or fire, and if they see either, they should get out of the house immediately.

Crawl to Safety: If a room is filled with smoke, teach your children to get down on the floor and crawl to stay close to fresh air.

Stay Out: Teach children to stay out of the house if there is a fire no matter what. It can be hard for children to resist the urge to go in and save a toy or pet, but they must know to never go back inside.

Hot Items: Advise your children not to touch items like, stoves, heaters, fireplaces and any other items that can cause burns. Also, teach them that items on the stove can be very hot, and they should not touch anything.

Matches/Lighters: Children should be taught that matches and lighters are for adults only, and to never play with them.