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Just like any outdoor toy or vehicle, the scooter can be a dangerous piece of equipment if used wrong. Scooter injuries are largely the result of daredevil stunts; with only two wheels and a narrow base, scooters aren’t built to be used like skateboards. The wheels can easily get caught in potholes, cracks, and sewer grates; therefore, they should be used on smooth surfaces away from traffic. Ride in good weather and in daylight.


Canada Safety Council advises children to dress as they would for in-line skating. Proper safety equipment should be worn whenever riding, including wearing shoes (not barefoot). Wear a helmet, wrist guards, and knee and elbow pads. 


Scooter riders must be careful of problems with the riding surface (curb obstructions, irregular paving, wet pavement, etc.) loss of control (loss of balance, slipping off, dismounting, etc.), as well as excessive speed and clothing or body parts getting caught in the scooter while in operation.


Since the majority of children injured are between the ages of 8 – 13 years old, it is important to instill good safety rules and habits when they are young. Review safety concerns with your child and explain why they must follow the rules. If rules are followed, scooters can provide a safe and fun outdoor activity. There are some safety precautions you should take with your child before you allow them to operate their scooter:


  1. Always make sure your child wears a helmet. Head injuries are one of the worst childhood injuries. Your child should not get on any outdoor riding toy without a helmet.
  2. Other safety equipment is also recommended - like wrist guards, and elbow and kneepads.
  3. Ride the scooter in safe areas away from cars and pedestrians. Ride on smooth, level surfaces, in good weather conditions. Try to avoid water, sand, sidewalk bumps, and stairs.
  4. Make sure the scooter fits the size of the child. You don’t want a young child trying to operate a scooter that is too big and heavy for him/her to handle.
  5. If the child is inexperienced, have someone supervise while they are riding their scooter.
  6. Wear sturdy shoes when riding the scooter. You could easily injury your toes and feet by wearing sandals or flip-flops.
  7. Also make sure your scooter is assembled correctly. Read the instructions when putting it together and be careful to tighten all bolts, nuts, and screws. If the scooter is not properly assembled and doesn’t work well it could be a dangerous object for your child.